vive low carb

Chicken crust carnivore Pizza

This carnivore pizza is made with a chicken crust that’s going to impress you (I was the first time I tried it), the crust has only two ingredients chicken and eggs and it seems a real dough, a little crispy and delicious.

Chicken crust carnivore Pizza

This is one of those recipes that come from a crazy idea that then it turns to be a fantastic idea. I was looking for carnivore pizza recipes (but I didn't like any), but I got a few ideas and I figured I could process the chicken and make chicken "flour" and then cook it enough to get it a little crispy in the oven.

Chicken crust carnivore Pizza

The first time I made it, it wasn't crispy, I baked it for 20 minutes at 390 °F (200 °C) and it was too soft. I used 400 g of chicken, which was too much, and I added little tomato sauce and cheese, so it was very dry.

Second time I baked it for 40 minutes at 480 °F (250 °C) and it was too crunchy and dry. Luckily, I learned from the first time that I should add more tomato sauce and cheese, so this time it wasn’t that bad, but I ended up being tired from the chewing hahaha.

Chicken crust carnivore Pizza

The third time I baked it for 30 minutes at 480 °F (250 °C) and this time it was perfect. I added enough tomato sauce and cheese and it was moist enough and I got the perfect carnivore pizza, although technically if it has tomato sauce it's not 100% carnivore.

To me this crust is perfect, the only problem is that's a little dry, but you can balance it out by adding toppings like tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, olive oil or an oily cheese to add more moist.

Make it 100% carnivore

If you want it to be 100% carnivore, just omit the tomato sauce and the oregano, it's that easy.

Chicken crust carnivore Pizza

: 10 min.

: 45 min.

4 slices


  • 2 eggs
  • 350 g cooked chicken
  • Salt to taste


  • Tomato sauce (si la quieres 100% carnívora omite este ingrediente)
  • Oregano
  • Mozzarella to taste
  • Chorizo
  • Bacon

  1. Preheat the oven at 480 °F (250 °C) for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Process the chicken until it looks like flour
  3. Mix the chicken with the eggs to form an homogeneous dough (it's kind of like a thick paste).
  4. Place the dough on a baking sheet with parshment paper or a silicon baking mat and bake it for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove it from the oven and put your favorite ingredients on top.
  6. Put the pizza back into the oven and cook it for another 15 minutes to melt the cheese.

  • : 420.42 kcal
  • : 5.96 g
  • : 23.75 g
  • : 42.85 g
  • : 1 : 14

  • : 0.22 mg
  • : 0.41 mg
  • : 14.2 mg
  • : 1.76 mg
  • : 0.75 mg
  • : 1.56 µg
  • : 196.07 mg
  • : 15.63 µg
  • : 73.32 µg
  • : 0 mg
  • : 53.58 IU
  • : 0.66 mg
  • : 0.69 µg

  • : 115.29 mg
  • : 0.09 mg
  • : 1.9 mg
  • : 40.31 mg
  • : 533.6 mg
  • : 44.38 µg
  • : 818.74 mg
  • : 2.68 mg